Climate change, energy crisis, armed conflicts, resource shortages, supply chain disruptions due to global epidemics, and much more → As a result of the events over the last few months and years, it highlights once again just how enormous the demand for sustainable forms of energy production is. Only by massively expanding renewable energy production and storage capacities on a regional and national basis, can our economic and social survival be guaranteed in the long-term. 

The recognized and important expansion of new renewable energy plants also creates problems and conflicts. Development plans are often faced with rejection from the local citizens and a lack of understanding for the siting decisions. From the outset, the Dillinger Group has focused on incorporating those reservations and concerns into deliberations on site selections, and subsequent project development processes. 

The goal is to market the locally produced electricity either on-site or in the surrounding area through direct supply agreement with the potential consumers.

This offers both parties the advantage of long-term sales and procurement situation with stable prices and reduces the already immense need to expand for the electricity grids. 

Fluctuations in short-term prices on the markets / exchanges are of minor relevance to the consumer. Price surges like what we have seen over the last few months can thus be largely avoided. 

The Dillinger Group’s site and project acquisition is significantly influenced by these principles. The producer’s goal is to sell at a higher price in comparison to the stock market price and the consumer would like a lower final price than with their energy supplier. All of which with a reliable, medium-term price stability. This can at least reduce speculation and irrational price drivers.

The Dillinger Group also intends to quickly identify innovations, trends and technological advances through market and product screenings and to integrate them into the daily project planning and development process or into further, entrepreneurial development.

Topics such as “mandatory solar roofs” introduced in Germany, discussions about car ports on every large car park, or hydrogen as an equivalent to natural gas have long been our day-to-day reality and shape our daily activities. 

The Dillinger Group