RECORD - 117.6 MWp in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern!
15. März 2024
Implementation planning for the Schlön project in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is in full progress and the municipality's decision to approve the project has been made. With the transition into spring, construction work on the largest ground-mounted photovoltaic plant in the company's history is set to begin in April 2024. Once completed, 98,000 photovoltaic modules will achieve an output of more than 60 MWp and generate more than 62.45 GWh of electricity. Enough electricity for more than 10,000 households. 💪💪💪

This largest project in the history of The Dillinger Group will be complemented by its sister project Bergholz, a no less impressive project with 94,000 photovoltaic modules. This 57.6 MWp ground-mounted project will begin at almost the same time as the Schlön PV project. From May 2024, the impressive teams from The Dillinger Group will also be writing company history there.

Incidentally, the UW Schlön and UW Bergholz substations are also being planned, designed and built by The Dillinger Group. With 100 MVA and 63 MVA, two impressive substations - the contribution to grid expansion by renewable energy market participants is often forgotten or neglected in public perception.
2024 - chasing records - 117.6 MWp developed, planned, built and connected - these are the ambitious goals of The Dillinger Group in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern!
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